Sunday, January 6, 2013

RESULTS for knitwear funday round 7: the end of the line

This round 7 of knitwear funday for the 2012/13 season.  This is when the fun of competing with knitwear meets the reality of most people's wardrobes.   And so, this weeks knitwear funday had fewer entries than usual - although all of excellent quality.  

In second place we you chose Emily in her nordic knit next to a delightful sculpture.

When I first saw this picture I thought the sculpture was some kinda giant screw man, but of course it turns out to be the hamburgler with a stretched neck... 

And this leads us to the main event.  Your knitwear champion.
This week's winner won't be a surprise to most of you - it was Sarah in her eye of the tiger sweater.

This amazing black and white jumper was the clearest winner of all time. And I mean of all time.  

No one has ever had more than half of the votes, and yet this week time nearly everyone voted for Sez and her Survivor tribute.  She got almost 90% of the vote!

So for a stand out victory, we need a stand out prize.

This week the prize comes via Jo.  Thanks for finding this unusual little knitwear gem...

Wearing the hair of the dog:  People who wear knitwear made out of their pets fur.

And a tiger treat, just because I couldn't resist it.